The Action Within Inaction

I’m currently in an Equine Therapy training in Austin, TX preparing to begin an equestrian center in Bahia, Brazil. My training has encompassed healing on the deepest of levels so that I ultimately can become truly present with the horses.  Learning that this is what we truly teach those who are called to any type of horsemanship work.  How to be in the present moment with the horses, to find this sense of presence in our daily lives. And from this point is where true healing can occur, where we can tap into our dreams and desires.  And ultimately live the life we were born to live.

Before each of my training sessions I arrive 30 minutes early to tune in, connect with nature, calm my mind and arrive fully.  During one of my meditations my intution guided me to write two small paragraphs.  The first was from my last post Whispers from My Feminine ♥️.  My teacher later described to me that this embodied the feminine aspect, Shakti.. receiving, receptive side.  And the second was Shiva, the masculine, both direct and wise, followed on the wings of the feminine. The words I received are below..


tuning inI feel the wind.

The coolness of the day.

The drops of rain here and there.


I calm my mind

and come to this place

of zero thought.

Of the action within inaction.

My body,

my soul,

my mind,

my eyes

feel more nourished


then I have in quite some time..


So, I’m coming back to this blog after not posting anything for about 8 years.  Over the past two months random folks have recently started liking, following and commenting. I took this as a sign from the universe to begin again.

When I first began this blog, it was based on following my heart, trusting in its inherent wisdom and allowing it to guide my life.  Since this time I have truly done just this! And now it is leading me on this path of moving to Brasil, working with horses and discovering my next steps through its whispers.

I have renamed the blog the name of the Equestrian Project.. Coração de Ouro, Heart of Gold.. For our main requirement is that each human and each horse involved innately carries a heart of gold within them.  I’ll be writing poetry and insights all received from the horses and that which I am learning along the way. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me.  I am not sure what is to unfold.  I’ve learned through my training to allow the Mother, the Divine Feminine to move through me, to listen and for my actions to be guided in this way. I feel immense gratitude for what is to come at the very core of my being! 


Angelique Marie

Whispers from My Feminine ♥️

Look for the meaning..

of everything

in life.

Pay attention to its whispers

its signals

its signs..

for they show up

& are always present.

Beckoning us..

to come forth,

to awaken

to this very moment.


